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B Tempted - Matcha Green Tea & Macadamia Nut Friand

By 11:31 , ,

B Tempted I discovered this year at the Free From and Allergy Show in London. This year of course I brought my staples, but I was looking out for brands I had never heard of or tried as I do get stuck in ruts. B Tempted was quite a small stand but their colourful signage made them stand out a mile, James and I just had to give their products a try!

Being only gluten free these are not suitable for dairy and egg allergies, but are fantastic for us gluten free only lot! The pack contained six mini Friands. A Friend is a small cake which is found mainly in Australia and New Zealand, they are made with almond flour, egg, butter and sugar. These are flavoured typically with fruit, nuts or chocolate. Being a naturally gluten free recipe makes them fantastic for the whole family to share as part of an afternoon tea. Alongside some finger sandwiches, these will really look the part!

Texturally these cakes are extremely moist and bouncy, very much a texture you find in polenta cakes or lemon drizzle, that soft very moorish consistency that dissolves in the mouth. Matcha green tea and macadamia sounded like such an interesting flavour, so I thought that this was a must try. Surprisingly these had a very fresh flavour to them, a very light summery taste which was so different and made a welcome change to the normal chocolate chip filled cakes you tend to find from the supermarkets. I LOVE chocolate cakes but in the summer I feel these can be heavy going, so this is perfect for the season.

At the show these retailed at 3 for £10. You can find B Tempted in Harrods, Whole Foods Market as well as various London shops, the price may vary however. At around 56p per Friand, I find that these are more of a luxury treat rather than a daily purchase. Although being a smaller brand that do not have the same buying power for ingredients like the bigger free from manufacturers and retailers, I find that this price point is quite competitive when looking at other smaller businesses in the market.

B Tempted also have such a wide range of flavours you just won't find elsewhere. Which also contributes to why I personally find the flavours and price are more what I would spend on a tea party, gift or a treat to myself when I am in the mood to spoil myself with a good cake and coffee!

I picked up the more interesting, unusual flavours. If you have tried any B Tempted flavours I would love to know what you think. The chocolate brownies look gorgeous! I will most certainly repurchase these products!

Find Their website here! 

Hannah x

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