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No.G Gluten Free Chicken, Bacon and Leek Pie

By 23:12 , , , ,

Wow! Who would have thought I'd see the day where I would be a pie person! Before being gluten free I 'disliked' many products that contained gluten from a young age, which ultimately we have found that's because they make me unwell, but at the time I just seemed very fussy! Pies were one thing I would never ever touch, let alone eat. The soggy pastry and thick gravy was something that used to turn my stomach. Until I tried gluten free that is! No.G in particular have mastered the art in pie making in a big way!

Available in Morrisons, Ocado and Sainsbury's, No.G is becoming more widely accessible day by day. Retailing at an average £2.50 with these particular retailers, I agree that it does seem the pricier end of the market but I would so recommend taking the plunge and giving them a go as the quality is outstanding! 

Each pie is 562 calories and 38.8g of fat, 20.1g of them being saturated fat, so certainly not on the diet plan. If you are looking to have a delicious treat, you won't be disappointed as this pie is super packed full of quality ingredients and is very filling.

Comparing this No.G pie to the Genius pies, as they are the only other ones I have tried, they are worlds apart. Most noticeably is the filling, Genius use a lot of gravy in their pies and meat dispersed within this, whereas the meat is packed in the No.G  pie with much less sauce, it also has more than one flavour element, which I haven't seen in any free from pie, more like a traditional pie with combining flavours. No.G reaches that market that just want to be able to find 'normal' food options, just gluten free, rather than plain chicken or steak. It's completely down to personal preference but I find I tend to like pies with more meat, less gravy and with more complex flavour choices as I can always add a sauce or gravy on myself unlike ingredients, which are baked into the pie itself and cannot be added to. The pieces of chicken and bacon are quite large and incredibly flavoursome and tender. Who honestly wants to be searching for the chicken in their pie? Not me!

Texturally the pastry is much harder and crisper than the Genius ones I have tried which tend to be quite soft. I feel that this is down to the drier filling. When taking the pie out of the foil, it was golden and crisp with no soggy bottoms (Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood would be pleased!). Flavour wise this pastry was perfection, No.G have truly mastered the gluten free pastry so well. I have tried some horrendous gluten free pastries in the past but not only are NO.G fantastic for a gluten free pastry, but a fantastic pastry full stop. I would happily feed No.G to my gluten eating Fiancé with no fear he will turn his nose up! (He is quite fussy when it comes to good food!) Slightly crumbly but crisp with a light crunch, this lighter pastry does not feel stodgy or overly dry, like many other free from pastries I have tried. 

Simple to heat up, this pie only needs 15 minutes at gas mark 6 or 35 minutes from frozen. It states it's best eaten hot, but I cooked mine last night whilst cooking dinner and ate it cold for lunch today and the texture and flavours were still beautiful. I cooked mine first though as nowhere on the packing does it say ready to eat, also cooking will alter the texture, so I wanted to try it as recommended. 

I would love to know if I need to try any other of the flavours of this pie or if I have convinced you to give this pie a go! 

Hannah x

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