Udis Tiger Loaf
A couple weeks back was coeliac awareness week. Udis emailed us all a coupon for 50p off a loaf. Unfortunately and painfully for me being the avid that couponer I am, (honestly it's become an obsession, I blame the TV programme!) mine did not print correctly! Feeling sorry for myself I told my Mum how I finally found a gluten free coupon away from a food show and it failed to print. She shops on tesco.com for bulky items and said they were having 3 for 2 on gluten free food, so she picked me up some bits, including the loaf, which she got free as it was the cheapest item at £2.50.
This loaf is gluten and dairy free, as well as being suitable for vegetarians. However it does contain egg, so just be aware of that. I believe it may be glazed as it does have that type of texture. Each 25g slice is 66 calories, funnily enough the slices I cut seemed to be dead on 25g each time. This was a good amount of bread so I found that it was much less calorific than other free from breads at 99 calories a slice averagely.
The loaf itself is left whole and does look just like a tiger loaf. It was physically quite heavy when I picked it up, which left me unsure of what to expect, so I dusted off my very neglected bread knife and decided to have a piece of toast there and then. I found that the bread cut very cleanly and did not crumble apart, I assumed that they may not have pre sliced it to hide crumbliness, but this was not the case. Being a whole loaf makes it much more versatile too.
Flavour wise I think it may even top my beloved Genius bread, bold statement I know, of course it cannot completely replace it as they are two different types of bread but I found with this bread I made garlic bread for pasta, toast, a bacon and egg sandwiches, some lovely chunky solders for boiled eggs and it was great to dip in soup. I think it would make great croutons and fried bread too!
For being a longer life product I was apprehensive that the top would be rubbery, but this was not what I found. In fact I actually found toasting made it crisp right up to the point you would have thought it was a warm crispy loaf straight off a mainstream bakery. Which obviously is something we do not have access to, so I was really pleased with this being able to compromise a crispy bread which I miss so much! The texture overall was not dry and did not turn powdery in the mouth. I found it to be a denser bread but not in a stogy way. It was just about perfect for me, not too light, not dry and not too heavy going.
The only drawback I can see with this product is that the loaf is surprising large for a free from bread. I personally can get through this but I imagine those who will not be eating it amost daily will have to section it up and freeze it. Although you can have that issue with any product, free from or not!
If you spot one of these in store, I would say it is well worth its £2.50 and although that does sound pricey, this is one of the cheaper free from breads on the market. To prove how much I love it, I have actually got myself another loaf for this week and I am hoping to do some posts on all the ways I use it!
Hannah x