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Chippa Sauces Haul*

By 21:58 , , , ,

I am one hell of a sucker for packaging, so when I was asked if I would like to try some of the Chippa sauces, I took one look of the packing and was sold!

I have found these are sold in Sainsbury's and retail at £1.50 but I have found them on offer for £1 recently, meaning that these sauces are quite affordable and readily available. Where a majority of Chippa products are free from more than one allergen, they are great to have in the cupboard ready for any visitors that may have special requirements, particularly as they have a good shelf life, with mine being good until November next year!

Being owned by the Tiger Tiger brand (as says on the back of the label) I have tried a couple of these products before, it will be great to see if they have a new recipe to go with the new branding.

So here is what I got:

Tomato Ketchup
I know what you are all thinking, all ketchup is gluten free, I agree I find labeled gluten free ketchups lead our families and friends to think they need to buy us separate ketchup from what they have. Although I can forgive this product as it has such a reasonable price point. Many I have seen labeled gluten free can fetch up to £4! I am not one of these people that like nothing but Heinz, so I am excited to try this and see what the favour is like.

Brown Sauce
This is something that most of the time isn't gluten free so it is great that there is an option on the market. I have seen in the ingredients it does contain barley and I avoid barley as I believe it not to be gluten free. On further investigation I have not found anything that tells me it's ok to eat, as on coeliac UK it is on top of their no list, but I have contacted the company and I will update you on this one! *Upadate* The product claim's to be “Gluten Free” due to being registered to Coeliac Society of UK/Ireland and the product has proved that the Gluten content is <20ppm which satisfy the requirement of claiming gluten free as per Coeliac Society of UK/Ireland.

A very interesting product indeed. Being free from egg, dairy and gluten, making it perfect for vegans, this product seems to have rapeseed oil, apple and mustard, among an array of other ingredients. It is white just like typical mayonnaise, so lets see if the taste and texture is good!

If you have tried any of Chippas sauces I would love to know what you think. I believe there is 7 in the range to choose from!

Hannah x

*These products were sent to me to try, all opinions are my own.

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